Pen To Print

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Join us!

Pen to Print is developing many new opportunities for people to volunteer and gain valuable transferable experience working for an arts organisation, meeting new people and improving job skills.

If you are interested in volunteering for us please email us at:

For paid roles and details of any funding that becomes available please visit our Opportunities page.

Free training is available for the following volunteer roles:

  • Event Producer Volunteer – sourcing and booking authors and speakers, artists and arts organisations for Pen to Print and ReadFest events.
  • Event Host Volunteer – booking in participants using tablets. Assisting with refreshments. Collecting event evaluation forms. Selling books at events.
  • Artist Host Volunteer – meeting and greeting authors and speakers. Introducing authors and speakers to audiences. Interviewing authors and speakers. Comparing events.
  • Fundraising Volunteer – researching potential donor and sponsors and contacting them with proposals for potential sponsorship or donations.
  • Magazine Production Volunteer – working as part of the Pen to Print editorial working group for Write On! magazine. Roles include agreeing content and layout, writing articles, conducting interviews and writing up the results this can be for the print or digital Write On! content. You could also get involved in sourcing and contacting potential sponsor and advertisers.
  • Marketing Volunteer – Assisting with developing marketing campaigns for events.
  • Marketing Distribution Volunteer – delivering Pen to Print and ReadFest literature and posters and magazines to local venues.
  • Advisory Board Members – Volunteer members of the Pen to Print Advisory Board which meet quarterly to oversee the work of Pen to Print and advise on the strategic direction of the programme.

If you are interested in joining with us on working on this varied and exciting project, please contact the Pen to Print team.

Volunteers will be registered on the Barking and Dagenham Better Impact volunteer site and may be asked to undertake some online training. You will be asked to log the hours you donate, and this will create a record that can be used to create a Reference if you are looking for employment.