Generate First Line
The door slowly opened and revealed the scene beyond
3...2...1... Then it happened
To save his life he would have to kill
She opened her handbag and tipped the contents on the floor
It had been 30 years since they had ventured down this road
She couldn't believe it, the stranger was the man of her dreams
What was the adage, never work with children or animals
He waited until her husband left the room
The colour drained from his face when he looked at the phone, she watched as he left the room, smiling
Joy, oh joy she had never imagined it could be like this
As they took in the scene from the penthouse they saw the city lights go out block by block
The Aston Martin pulled up and the tinted window wound down to reveal
It was OK none of their colleagues had noticed
I stepped out of the shower, enveloped with the scented tingling of warmth and as I turned toward the mirror, I felt the icy grip of fear caressing my spine
Definitely different, clearer, brighter, even the air smells different
Once upon a time there was a Butler with a limp
A fleck of paint broke free from the satellite and headed off in space.
I hate it when you bully me, man!
Someone once told me that you can bring a person back to life just by remembering them.
When a second moon rose in the sky that night, they had to admit they were lost.
It was the scent that woke me.
As she stood in Line, Anita's brain was working overtime, what was she going to tell the line manager when his bag-check revealed the teeth inside?
Every day was the same work, eat, sleep and repeat, until one day, everything changed
I knew exactly what would happen: Then it didn’t …
She knew something was wrong when she looked at her baby for the first time, she just couldn’t love it.
It was the worst of times, covid virus times.
The train now approaching Platform 1 is not for passenger use; please do not attempt to board this train.
Now she was certain that she was going to hell.
When Brigid twisted her ankle and fell forward face down on the gravel, only she could see the tiny man tugging his right leg and only she could hear him calling out in his raspy voice, “Help me get my foot out of this hole!”
Under the ledge where they sat, they could see rocks tumbling past them into the ancient water ahead.
I was on a beach in Tahiti when the messages started coming on my phone: get home while you still can.
When Becky opened the door, she saw a man, who looked very much like a builder, holding a broken tile in his hands.
When children are young, there is a chasm that the imaginative ones do not see.
When everything else fell away, only one truth remained.
If it had been any other day, she would have missed it.
Waking abruptly, I pulled my hands apart and felt the steel edge of the cuffs dig painfully into my wrists
If you are reading this, don't stop here!
He picked up his ukulele, put on his walking shoes and headed for the door; he didn’t pat his pockets down to check he had his keys.
Louise hated it when people said she was just a librarian.
I am writing this under duress, Captain Blackbeard is holding myself and my husband captive
People assume I died four years ago.
Honestly, I didn't mean to kill the president.
You don’t realise why your heart races.
Abigail was thirteen when she decided to learn to fly.
You become the person you pretend to be.
She put her life in her pocket, hoping never to let it fade
Emily lived in her parents’ house; she’d been there fifty-two years now, writing in her little attic room.
Carole wondered what it would be like describing her symptoms to a robot.
The light path of unconscious tendencies accumulated by her intense desire.
The casino was a delight, yet strange. After taking my chances on the slots, I savoured a free drink on the smoking terrace and wondered about all the spirit of joyous winnings and sour losses that these weird, pleasurable, dimly-lit and secretive denizens had witnessed
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a best selling novel always begins with a brilliant first line.
You had a feeling something was seriously wrong when someone in the crowd behind you yelled 'Get Down!'
Arnold had previously been vaguely familiar with the phrase ‘eat dust’ but had always attributed such expression to the novels of Phillip Pullman – that was before the new maid had lost her temper and jammed his head into the vacuum cleaner.
Thomas would never forget the moment his balls dropped – suddenly he was a millionaire!
Tessa’s husband of nearly forty years was gracefully laid to rest, but the embarrassing breakout of giggles that ensued during the banquet was later discovered to be from dope hidden in the cookies.
I saw him in the alley - skinny, hunched, smoking - and I realised he was more scared than me.
As the red stain spread, over the flawless cream carpet, something in Fiona's mind broke free.
Anna didn’t have time to read the letter, so she crammed it in her overstuffed bag and left.
As the CCTV footage advanced frame by mind numbing frame, Liz was about to disappear for a coffee – then she saw it.
It was a Tuesday morning in June when I discovered I could no longer speak.
Five minutes into our first date and I saw something move in his beard.
The solicitor’s parcel landed on my doormat with a thud that I felt in my heart like a clapper in a cast iron church bell.
I knew I was in trouble when Claire pushed the cloakroom door shut with a ripple of her shimmering grey dress and tuned to me, ‘I feel ever so naughty,’ she said.
Honoria's eyes were suddenly averted to the inside of the floor-to-ceiling window where she could see groups of flying ants were having a chinwag on the inside of the window and to her annoyance, more were joining the party.
Honoria was suddenly distracted by Maria shouting “ stay still, stay still" as she burst through the door into the dinning room holding a struggling dog who was covered in mud and whose tail now violently threw spats of the wet slippery substance onto the front of Maria's face and clothes making her look like an Italian Panettone, Honoria thought mischievously.
I have explored every angle, every possibility and there is no other logical reason: I am dying, or have died, both are ultimately possible.
Everyone thought their plan to survive the zombie apocalypse would work; they died first.
Peter bolted the door behind him, he sensed he had been followed but had no idea by who or indeed what.
How on earth did it happen, and why, that moment when everything green disappeared?