Our Environmental Sustainability Policy

Environmental Sustainability Policy
About Us
Pen to Print is a London Borough of Barking and Dagenham library based creative writing project promoting writing and literature in the local area and beyond. We work out of shared premises with a variety of other organisations. We feature a diverse range of activity including author talks, competitions, classes, workshops and an annual literature festival ReadFest. We commission artists to deliver sessions that are attractive to local people and plan to expand our activity further afield into other venues and geographical areas.
Our Objectives
The aims of this policy are to continue to improve our environmental performance by implementing cost effective ways of using ecological materials and practices that have minimal impact on the environment. The policy also aims to educate and increase awareness amongst staff, partners and audiences. We aim to minimise the impact of our activity in the areas of travel, recycling and procurement
This policy is supported by an Environmental Sustainability Action Plan which specifies how the policy will be implemented, complete with targets, dates and a named person responsible for delivering it. Working towards establishing some principles to work towards. Including the appointment of a Green Champion, working with staff, volunteers, audiences and stakeholder networks (e.g. artists, schools and partner organisations), to promote environmental awareness and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner. We will regularly assess and report our environmental performance to our board on an annual basis. This information will be used to update our Environmental Sustainability Action Plan for the coming year.