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Write On! Issue 5: Our Story Page

Welcome to the second of our digital pull out pages, drawn from Write On! 5. Today's page is Our Response to COVID-19 from Lena Smith, Library Project Manager. As we continue to face the repercussions of lockdown, issue 5 remains digital. You can see the full magazine here. Our new season starts on ...

Write On! Issue 5: Editorial Page

Welcome to the first of our digital pull out pages, drawn from Write On! 5. Today's page is from our editor, Madeleine White. As we continue to face the repercussions of lockdown, issue 5 remains digital. You can see the full magazine here. Our new season starts on Wednesday 29th July. The stories and ...

Licence To Thrill: Interview With Jane Corry

Licence To Thrill To see the designed version of this interview click on image Sunday Times bestselling thriller writer Jane Corry on ordinary lives with extraordinary twists, her own journey and the importance of supporting aspiring authors. (CLICK HERE FOR MAGAZINE VERSION) by Juneha Chowdhury  On a scorching summer’s day, I find myself eagerly ...

Write On! 5 : COVID-19 Special Edition Launching Today!

An exclusive interview with Sunday Times bestselling author Jane Corry sits at the heart of an extraordinary COVID-19 edition of Write On! 5. However, Jane’s is just one of the voices that has contributed experience, strength and hope to the issue. This Special Edition (see it here)  brings together the ...

Thursday Connectors: What Now?

by Farzana Hakim Hi, all. It’s that time of the week again when I, Farzana, your host, bring you an exciting edition of ‘Thursday Connectors.’ Our theme this week has me holding my head in my hands while I’m nodding and shaking it vigorously. Ouch! Yep, it’s giving me a headache ...
blanche tetmen entwined write on showcase short story flash fiction

Showcase: Entwined + An Unexpected Tribute

This year has been one of several dichotomies, showing evidence that apparently contradicting concepts can exist in harmony: staying apart from others while working together as a community, isolating from friends, family and neighbours but communicating more than ever before and facing our independent struggles while helping each other through ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: What Now?

By Eithne Cullen Our theme this week is 'What Now?' I know that this is the question on everybody’s lips at the moment; we had no idea what  lockdown would look like back in March when it all started. And most of us have a vague feeling that we don’t know ...

Monday Memoirs: What Now?

Introduced by Holly King What Now reminds me of an exercise my GCSE Drama teacher gave us: find all the ways to express ‘come in’. We went through the obvious ones: cheerful, inquisitive, excited, angry, sad, seductive (well, we were 15); then moved onto a broader range: apprehensive, exhausted, reproachful, worried, apathetic, ...