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Write On! Interviews: Author Maggie Freeman

Write On! interviews author Maggie Freeman Maggie says: "I used to teach Creative Writing and allied subjects in Adult Community Learning in Essex, but when we moved to Chingford about five years ago, I retired, with all the best of writing intentions, of course! But sometimes life gets in the way ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Romantic Beginnings

By Eithne Cullen The theme of beginnings and endings carries on in our pages for the start of 2024 and, with St Valentine’s Day approaching, I thought I’d have a look at some beginnings which tie in with February’s romantic theme. If, like me, you watched the rom-com The Holiday this Christmas, ...

Write On! Interviews: Author David Algar

Write On! interviews author David Algar David says: "I could best be described as a ‘middle class itinerant’, always moving from school to school and place to place. My first degree, from Aberystwyth University, was in Economics and International Relations, top and tailed 40 years later by finishing off a second degree ...

Write On! Features: Episodic Writing by Emily Inkpen

by Emily Inkpen Episodic writing has changed dramatically since the late noughties. The reason for this is simple: writers can now, more or less, guarantee that viewers and listeners will consume their show from start to finish and in order, at their own pace, without missing anything. With streaming services and the ...