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Monday Moments: Generational Divides And Differences

Introduced By Amber Hall Our theme this month is still ‘Misunderstandings’, and there’s plenty more to explore. With Mother’s Day in the UK happening at the end of the month, I’ve been thinking about misunderstandings across the generations; what we might call ‘generational divides.’ I think it’s hard not to see similarities ...

Monday Moments: Misunderstanding As A Route To Understanding

Introduced By Amber Hall Our theme continues to be ‘Misunderstandings’ this month and, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I’ve been thinking about how misunderstandings show up in our relationships. Whether romantic or platonic, misunderstandings are part and parcel of relationships. Good communication helps, of course, but crossed wires are something ...

Monday Moments: Meaning, Language And Learning

Introduced By Amber Hall Happy New Year, readers! For my first ‘Monday Moments’ of 2025, I’d like to introduce our new theme: ‘Misunderstandings’. Language is a slippery thing. The same sentence could be interpreted in various ways by different people or groups, and what we say isn’t always what we mean. The ...

Monday Moments: Seeing Things Differently

Introduced By Amber Hall Our theme this month, which also happens to be the last month of 2024, continues to be ‘Difference’. As December rolls around, I start to reflect on the year that’s passed and think about what I might want for the year ahead. Admittedly, I find that the end ...

Monday Moments: Taking A Different Path

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our theme is still ‘Difference’ and I wanted my page to be a celebration of doing things differently. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, especially when we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s best bits on social media. But each one of ...

Posts For Unprecedented Times

  (Bluesky/Instagram: @madeleinefwhite) March is Women’s Empowerment Month and includes International Women’s Day on the 8th. Lately, I’ve been feeling disempowered, both by a lack of personal agency and by the overwhelming state of global geopolitics. I know I’m not alone in this. But with daffodils beginning to bloom along the verges, I’m ...

Monday Moments: Chance And Change

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our new theme is ‘Change’, and I’ve been thinking about the interconnectedness of chance and change. So much of life hinges on a moment. Our trajectories are shaped by nanoseconds we might not even notice. These ‘sliding door moments,’ as they’re known, can alter our ...

Monday Moments: Dealing With The Dreaded Writer’s Block

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, we’re continuing with the theme ‘Overcoming’ and I’ve been thinking about how it relates to writer’s block – a dreaded phenomenon for most. Writer’s block is broadly defined as a psychological condition and can occur at any point in a writer’s journey. It’s something I’ve experienced ...