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Thoughtful Tuesdays: Difference

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to October’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. As I write, I’m seeing autumn creeping in to take the place of summer, and know that the dark days and nights, drop in temperature and blustery winds are here to stay for a while. I must get around to planting my ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Place And Memory

By Eithne Cullen In my previous pages looking at our theme of Change, I've featured writing about memory, faces and places and forgetting. For today's page, I've asked people to send something about place and memory. I’d like to start with a rather sentimental poem of my own, which examines the emotions ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Change

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my Thoughtful Tuesday page for July. I’m going to be sharing a lot of writing about change, our current theme here at Write On! I’d like to start with some writing about a massive change: the change of moving from one country to another, one culture to ...

Monday Moments: Chance And Change

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our new theme is ‘Change’, and I’ve been thinking about the interconnectedness of chance and change. So much of life hinges on a moment. Our trajectories are shaped by nanoseconds we might not even notice. These ‘sliding door moments,’ as they’re known, can alter our ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Overcoming Mental Health & Exams

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my Thoughtful Tuesday page for June. I’m continuing into June with some ideas I started exploring in May, with ‘Overcoming’ as our theme. It’s also exam season month and, as such, I also have a couple of pieces from younger writers. In a continuation for May’s Mental Health ...

Thursday Connectors: Personality Of Clothing

By Farzana Hakim Hi, all. This is your host Farzana, welcoming you to May’s Thursday Connectors. This month, I'm sharing writing around how our clothes can reflect our personalities – or not! It's often said that our appearance defines our personality and, in fact, the way we dress plays a significant factor ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Continuing To Overcome

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to May’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. Continuing our theme of Overcoming in this issue, I have an eclectic mix of writing for you to enjoy. Let’s start with some good news. If you’ve been reading Write On! from the start, you’ll know I interviewed Barbara Nadel for the very ...