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Thursday Connectors: Hijab Misunderstandings

By Farzana Hakim Hi, all. Happy New Year, from me, Farzana, your host of Thursday Connectors. I hope you had a great holiday and are feeling happy and healthy as we begin 2025. 2024 ended with me feeling hopeful that I had made a small but positive contribution in the local community ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Continuing To Overcome

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to May’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. Continuing our theme of Overcoming in this issue, I have an eclectic mix of writing for you to enjoy. Let’s start with some good news. If you’ve been reading Write On! from the start, you’ll know I interviewed Barbara Nadel for the very ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Endings

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to March’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. If you read my page in February, you’ll remember it was all about beginnings. So, in keeping with our theme of Beginnings And Endings, I’m using today’s page to share some endings. They cover endings of places that meant a lot, a ...

Monday Moments: Man Vs. Machine

Introduced By Amber Hall This month marks the start of our new theme, ‘Reality And Perspectives’. For my page this month, I wanted to explore digital realities and the relationship between AI and creatives. A few months ago, I started working for an AI company. I’m teaching a LLM (large language model) ...