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Thoughtful Tuesdays: Misunderstanding Seasons

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to Thoughtful Tuesday. March is the month of misunderstandings, madness, mad hares and blustery days. Today’s page moves away from some of the misunderstandings the end of winter and the arrival of spring might bring. There’s quite a tradition of writers looking for places of calm and peaceful ...

Monday Moments: Generational Divides And Differences

Introduced By Amber Hall Our theme this month is still ‘Misunderstandings’, and there’s plenty more to explore. With Mother’s Day in the UK happening at the end of the month, I’ve been thinking about misunderstandings across the generations; what we might call ‘generational divides.’ I think it’s hard not to see similarities ...

Thursday Connectors: Personal Circumstance And Difference

By Farzana Hakim Hi all, it's Farzana, your host of Thursday Connectors. Welcome to my November page, a fantastic Showcase linked to what’s important to you and those around you. Continuing with our theme of 'Difference,' I'm connecting with three writers who  offer different perspectives around their  life experiences; all of which ...

Monday Moments: Taking A Different Path

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our theme is still ‘Difference’ and I wanted my page to be a celebration of doing things differently. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, especially when we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s best bits on social media. But each one of ...

Sunday Afternoon + Difference + Blessed Struggles

Hello, I'm Zoe Molloy, a writer from east London, with an interest in people, their stories, their childhoods, where they are from and what makes them 'them.' Originally, I’m from a small town in West Yorkshire. My mother comes from Leeds and my father from Dublin, a heritage once considered to ...