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Thoughtful Tuesdays: Misunderstandings

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my Thoughtful Tuesday page for January 2025. For many people, a New Year means new beginnings. That’s certainly the case for us as we embark on our new theme: ‘Misunderstandings’. I have some lovely pieces to share with you relating to that theme. You may know that ...

Monday Moments: Meaning, Language And Learning

Introduced By Amber Hall Happy New Year, readers! For my first ‘Monday Moments’ of 2025, I’d like to introduce our new theme: ‘Misunderstandings’. Language is a slippery thing. The same sentence could be interpreted in various ways by different people or groups, and what we say isn’t always what we mean. The ...

A New Year Message From Pen to Print

Hi Everyone, It's become a bit of a tradition to send everyone an end of year message, so in preparation, I took a look back at last year's message and was part surprised, part comforted that so much of it still rang true for this year. Again, we've faced quite a difficult ...
Write on! Issue 23

Write On! Issue 23 OUT TODAY

Write On! 23, sponsored by the Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation, is out today. You can see it digitally, or get your physical copy from libraries and other outlets up and down the country. This issue explores the power of creativity to communicate ‘Difference.’ The theme reminds us that, although we ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Nostalgia

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to December’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. It’s that time of the year when we rush home to avoid the dark, think about Christmas festivities and, as the month closes, have some nostalgia for the year that’s coming to an end. My page today reflects quite a lot of these ...

Monday Moments: Seeing Things Differently

Introduced By Amber Hall Our theme this month, which also happens to be the last month of 2024, continues to be ‘Difference’. As December rolls around, I start to reflect on the year that’s passed and think about what I might want for the year ahead. Admittedly, I find that the end ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Recognising Difference

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to November’s Thoughtful Tuesday page, continuing on the theme of ‘Difference.’ I was looking at an old photo with my granddaughter recently and was interested to see how she recognised family members, even though their appearances have changed: going from beard to clean shaven and from long ...

Monday Moments: Taking A Different Path

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our theme is still ‘Difference’ and I wanted my page to be a celebration of doing things differently. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, especially when we’re constantly exposed to everyone else’s best bits on social media. But each one of ...