Write On! Interviews: Author Tracy Ryden
Write On! interviews author Tracy Ryden
Tracy says: “I’m in my mid-forties, a married mother of two and work four days a week in central London as a Senior Employee Relations Advisor to the NHS. I write as a hobby and my first novel was promoted by Pen to Print as part of Crime Month in May 2019.”
WO: How would you describe your writing to someone new to it?
TR: My writing is varied, experimental and not typecast. I’d describe my style as quirky.
WO: Can you tell us a bit about your latest book?
TR: My latest book is a light-hearted comedy. It’s escapist and, I hope, a form of inspiration for readers who don’t like being boxed in. After all, people can grow and change. It’s never too late to start a new hobby or to want to make a difference!
WO: What inspired you to write in the first place, and what inspires you now?
TR: My parents. My brother and sister went to stage school when we were growing up but I was never confident enough. I felt more at home buried inside a book; that was my place and characters like the ‘Famous Five’ were my people. My parents bought me lots and I cherished them. Now, I write for enjoyment and to bring other people joy. Painful experience has taught me that life can be cut short unexpectedly. I want to push myself creatively to see what I’m capable of.
WO: Write On! magazine recently explored the theme of ‘Difference.’ Do you have a favourite example of a book that has inspired you to look at the world with new eyes, or even an example of how you have tried to build bridges through your own writing?
TR: This is such a relevant theme for my latest book Rise Of The Community. There are different characters from different backgrounds and some are set in their ways at the start of the story, but go through changes as the story evolves. The key theme is how people don’t necessarily fit into the mould and can defy expectations. People are not necessarily who you think – appearances can be deceiving and life experiences can change people; not always a bad thing!
Life is about learning, otherwise you don’t grow. Writing can be critical in influencing and educating readers on differences between people. Recently, I read Think Like A Monk: Train Your Mind For Peace And Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty. This has inspired me to look at the world differently. Appreciating others’ experiences can make you see what’s right in front of you but not necessarily obvious.
WO: What one piece of advice would you give an aspiring writer?
TR: To keep going. Experiment with different genres and writing styles and enjoy the process.
WO: Can you tell us anything about future projects?
TR: My next project will be to write a children’s book. It’s something I’d like to challenge myself with.
WO: Lastly, if you could choose one fictional animal/creature to be a pet or companion, who would it be and why?
TR: Maybe Mufasa in The Lion King. He’s incredibly wise and doesn’t need to be present all the time for his wisdom to be felt.
Connect with Tracy Ryden on Instagram: @tracyryden1. Rise Of The Community is available to buy from Amazon.
Issue 23 is out now. You will find it in libraries and other outlets. Alternatively all current and previous editions can be found on our magazines page here.
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Keep going. Experiment with different genres and writing styles and enjoy the process.