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Thursday Connectors: Letters To Santa

By Farzana Hakim Here are the letters to Santa from the brilliant children in year two at March Green Primary School. ***** Read the latest issue of Write On! magazine online. You can hear extracts from Showcase in our podcast. Write On! Audio. Find us on all major podcast platforms, including Apple and Google Podcasts and ...

Licence To Thrill: Magazine Interview With Jane Corry

Welcome to the Jane Corry interview segment of our digital pull out pages, drawn from Write On! 5. As we continue to face the repercussions of lockdown, issue 5 remains digital. You can see the full magazine here. Our new season starts on Wednesday 29th July. The stories and ideas collated online will also ...

Monday Memoirs: Saturday Morning Shopping 1960s style

Saturday Morning Shopping 1960s style by Jean Fullerton Born a decade after WW2 ended, I’m a baby boomer and as such I was part of the last generation who remember the close-knit East Enders families that lived cheek by jowl in the cobbled streets clustered around the London Docks.   At that time, life had a rhythm of work and play that had gone on for generations. Men worked and women looked ...