Pen To Print

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Pen to Plate – Share Your Memories and Favourite Recipes

Pen to Print are collecting recipes and stories to add to our new publication Pen to Plate.

Taste and smell are among our senses that can generate recollections from our past.

We often associate special memories with treasured family recipes or meals, for example we eat our favourite meal and it takes us back to when we were a child, I for one can’t forget my Mum’s Sunday roast! We are looking for these special recipes and memories to share with each other in our latest publication.

It could be a memory of sharing a meal with your family or a meal you enjoy that reminds you of an important event or person in your life.

If you have a recipe and a story to go with it we would like to know.

Share it with others an help create more special memories for the future.

We would like a list of ingredients along with the amounts you need of each ingredient and instructions on how to prepare your special dish. In no more than 2,000 words we would also like you to tell the story that makes the dish special for you.

We aim to collect all the recipes and stories together in a book to be published in 2020.  If you are included, we will give you a copy. We will contact you to let you know when the book is going to be published. We will also make the book available in our libraries.

If you have any questions connect with us email 

Full Details and Terms and Conditions go to our Pen to Plate Webpage

...I for one can't forget my Mum’s Sunday roast!