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Monday Moments: Literary Passions As Self-Discovery

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, our theme continues to be ‘Literary Passions And Guilty Pleasures.’ I’ve been thinking about how reading and writing can be acts of self-discovery. Stories allow us to look outwards with a discerning eye, but they invite us to look inwards, too. Whether we’re drawn to a ...

Monday Moments: Characters We Love To Hate

Introduced By Amber Hall This month marks the start of our new theme: 'Literary Passions And Guilty Pleasures.' I’ve been thinking about how we’re often most drawn to flawed characters in storytelling. These characters drive the plot forward, yes, but I think it goes a little deeper than that. I wonder whether ...

Write On! Interviews: Author Sita Brahmachari

Creating Stories, Connecting Voices Write On!'s Amber Hall discusses the purpose and power of storytelling with YA Author Sita Brahmachari. Before sitting down to interview Sita Brahmachari, the acclaimed Young Adult (YA) author, I’d only half-settled on the idea of speaking about my own trauma. I’ve lived with an eating disorder for most of my ...

Monday Moments: Connecting Inner And Outer Voices

Introduced By Amber Hall Continuing this month’s theme of ‘Hearing Voices: Inner Voices, Outer Voices And Connected Voices,’ I’ve been thinking about the ways writing helps us connect our inner and outer voices. It’s often easy for us to get lost in our thoughts, but writing – even if it’s left ...

Monday Moments: Elevating Voices

Introduced By Amber Hall This month marks the start of our new theme, which is ‘Hearing Voices: Inner Voices, Outer Voices, Connected Voices.’ I’ve been thinking about how writing allows us to hear such a diverse range of voices, and connect with different stories and perspectives from all over the world. ...

Monday Moments: New Beginnings

Introduced By Amber Hall The clocks moved forward an hour on March 26th, marking the start of British Summer Time here in the UK. For me, the year never feels as though it’s getting under way until springtime. It’s a season of new beginnings when plans and resolutions made at the ...

Monday Moments: Who Am I?

Introduced By Amber Hall Back in January, I was lucky enough to guest-edit an episode on working-class writers for the Alternative Stories And Fake Realities podcast (have a listen here). One of the things that I spoke about in the podcast was my relationship with my working-class roots, and how this ...