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Thoughtful Tuesdays: Contradictions

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my January 2023 ‘Thoughtful Tuesday’ page.  I hope the celebrations of Christmas and the New Year have left you rested and ready for whatever the future brings. It’s a funny feeling, seeing out the old year and greeting the new. We think of the old year as ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Journey Towards The End Of 2022

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to Thoughtful Tuesday’s December page. The end of the year brings lots of change, lots of emotion and provokes plenty of thought. The pieces I’m sharing today certainly take us on a journey towards the end of the year (and Christmas, of course). We’ve been exploring the theme ...

Monday Moments: Transitioning

Introduced By Holly King Welcome, readers, to my last Monday Moments page. Starting next year, Amber Hall will be taking over as editor for this page and will bring her unique perspective to it. I’m excited to see what direction she will take it in, and the features she will show. I’ve ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Home And Back Again

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my November page where all the pieces I’ve selected for you are on the current theme of home. If you come from a community that experienced migration, you will often hear your friends and family talking about home and back home, even though you see them ...

Monday Moments: The Journey Of Writing

Introduced By Holly King September is the month that signifies getting back to work. The summer is over, the holidays are over, school is starting again after the last (and longest) break of the year. The weather turns, the days get shorter, and you suddenly realise you don’t have as much ...

Showcase: Wait + Musings On Bridge Building

Edited by Charlotte Zisimides Hello, my name is Charlotte Zisimides. I'm delighted to be editing for the July 2022 Showcase. I came by Pen to Print through a competition called ‘What If YOU Spoke?’ which I entered with a poem called Loss Of Limb. I sent it to the nature competition, ...

Monday Moments: Worlds Apart

Introduced By Holly King As Write On! Extra transitions from our theme of Mind Your Language: Words And How We Use Them to our new theme of Worlds Apart, I couldn’t help but find synchronicity within the two themes. For example, my previous Monday Moments page focused on how dialects can ...

Monday Moments: Speaking My Language

Introduced By Holly King Did you know that the Eskimo language has 30 words for snow? It's said that the number of words a culture has for something is an indication of its importance (I cast my mind back to Carol Ann Duffy’s poem, Frau Freud, and wonder what that claim ...