Pen To Print

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Write On! Interviews: Author Mirabel Lavelle

Write On! interviews author Mirabel Lavelle Mirabel is a grandmother, a teacher and a writer who grew up in Malta, surrounded by the folklore and fables of the Island. From a young age, she enjoyed creating her own stories to entertain younger siblings and friends. When she was 18 she realised that ...

Monday Moments: Dealing With The Dreaded Writer’s Block

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, we’re continuing with the theme ‘Overcoming’ and I’ve been thinking about how it relates to writer’s block – a dreaded phenomenon for most. Writer’s block is broadly defined as a psychological condition and can occur at any point in a writer’s journey. It’s something I’ve experienced ...

Showcase: Veterans’ Voices + Long Distance Call + Doesn’t Sound Right + Our Future + A Model Setting + Housekeeping + One Step For Humanity + The Slip Away Tree + The Eternal Trend + Save The Wye

By Mirabel Lavelle (c) E.M. Blake, 2023 Welcome to my last June Showcase. It’s been an honour to introduce new voices and showcase returning ones this month. Next week, I'll be sending off the first draft of my children’s book to my editor, so wish me luck! Saturday 24 June marked Armed ...

Showcase: Life’s Vessel + Wizard Beano And Pals + Daydreams + In Command + Changing The World With A Voice + Insecure Voices + Just Sit With Me + The Draw Of The Souk

By Mirabel Lavelle Welcome. I've just returned from the Hay Festival, where I spoke on the Write On! panel about co-creation and my experience of it through this magazine and Pen to Print. I'm ending this Showcase with a poem I wrote while in Wales, inspired by the very hot weather ...