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Showcase: Summer Garden Dreams + Short Story + Willingness

Edited by Lucy Kaufman Welcome to my fifth and final Showcase for May on the theme of Transcendence. In previous weeks, I've shared writing looking at 'Transcendence' through 'Memory, Dream, Imagination and the Supernatural.' Today, I'm pushing the boundaries of transcendence further, in thinking about how humans may transcend our boundaries ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Continuing To Overcome

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to May’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. Continuing our theme of Overcoming in this issue, I have an eclectic mix of writing for you to enjoy. Let’s start with some good news. If you’ve been reading Write On! from the start, you’ll know I interviewed Barbara Nadel for the very ...

Showcase: The Wedding + Meeting Place

Edited by Hannah Rooney Welcome to the fourth and final Showcase of April. I hope you’ve enjoyed the pieces I’ve shared with you across this month. Editing the April Showcases has been a fantastic experience. As we continue with the Write On! theme of ‘Overcoming’, I’d like to share some more ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Overcoming

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to April’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. With the current theme of ‘Overcoming’ and a reminder that April is National Poetry Month, let me start with an image of spring. I’m always delighted to see the spring flowers emerge, especially the bulbs in my garden. These tulips are a reminder ...