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A Showcase Of Art

It’s August 2024 and as per usual, the Write On! team are enjoying a short summer break. With this in mind, and as the founding Editor, I’m picking some of my favourite Showcases from the past few years. Though they are higgledy-piggledy in terms of season and themes, one thing ...

Showcase: Patient Data + Olivia’s Accident

It’s August 2024 and as per usual, the Write On! team are enjoying a short summer break. With this in mind, and as the founding Editor, I’m picking some of my favourite Showcases from the past few years. Though they are higgledy-piggledy in terms of season and themes, one thing ...

Saturday Spotlight: New Book Releases July 2024

By Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  At Write On! and Pen to Print, we want to help connect authors and readers, playwrights and audiences, so we've created a Spotlight page on the last Saturday of the month, showcasing some of the exciting new reads and plays available. The curated list ...

Showcase: I Won’t Tell + The School Bus

Edited by Clara Khan When James Joyce wrote Ulysses, he said:  “I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that is the only way of insuring one's immortality.” I want to focus on the first part ...

Posts For Unprecedented Times

Madeleine F White   (Bluesky/Instagram: @madeleinefwhite) I never know whether to approach December with joy or dread. Joy, because there is always a sense of togetherness and a letting go of the mundane to lose yourself in the lights and the fun. I also always worry, though:  about the presents, whether I ...