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Showcase: Summer + A Glimpse + Royal Pestilence

Hello, I'm Zoe Molloy, a writer from east London, with an interest in people and their stories. Welcome to week three, where we continue with our theme of Difference. The three pieces are very different in style and form, but all possess vivid imagery, providing a rich emotional landscape to ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Difference

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to October’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. As I write, I’m seeing autumn creeping in to take the place of summer, and know that the dark days and nights, drop in temperature and blustery winds are here to stay for a while. I must get around to planting my ...

Sunday Afternoon + Difference + Blessed Struggles

Hello, I'm Zoe Molloy, a writer from east London, with an interest in people, their stories, their childhoods, where they are from and what makes them 'them.' Originally, I’m from a small town in West Yorkshire. My mother comes from Leeds and my father from Dublin, a heritage once considered to ...

Thursday Connectors: Changes In Life

By Farzana Hakim Hi all, it's Farzana here, your host for Thursday Connectors. Welcome back after a long summer break. A much-needed summer break indeed! For me, this summer was a summer of some changes as, after persistent pestering and lots of moaning and sweet coercing, my husband, who's always been terrified ...