OUT NOW Write On! 5: Special COVID-19 Edition

Write On! Issue 5
You can see Write On! issue 5 by clicking the magazine button below.
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Write On! is a quarterly magazine. Due to ongoing library and wider distribution venue closures, we are not printing Issue 5. Please do enjoy and share this digital Special Edition. It brings together the diverse voices that have created such power through Write On! Extra, into a beautifully designed, digital magazine.
The new Write On! Extra season officially starts on Wednesday 29 July. The stories and ideas collated will feed into Write On! Issue 6. Themed A Kaleidoscope Of Colours, we explore the shifting landscape we are living through at the moment, looking at how we are adapting to the ever-changing, ever-swirling patterns of life. Government restrictions permitting, we are planning a printed 32-page bumper issue 6 in September, to include issue 5.
Submitting To Write On Extra!
Alongside this, our team of volunteer writers and editors have created a daily online digest. Write On Extra! brings people together to share their experience, strength and hope, as well as having a bit of a laugh! Details of how and what to submit are on each page – you can navigate via the top Write On! Extra menu item also.
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