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Write On! Features: Opportunity For Aspiring Writers

by Charlotte Maddox As a wide-eyed graduate, more than a decade ago now, I stepped into my first job in a literary agency. I imagined plucking bestsellers from the unfortunately named ‘slush pile’ every other day and perhaps even finding the next big thing. Don’t get me wrong, we received some ...

Showcase: Short Rains + Locked In + Her Farthest North

Hello again. I’m Charlotte, your Showcase editor for October. This month, we’re thinking about the themes of 'Reality And Perspectives.' At The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation, where I work as Prize Manager, we’re in the business of adventure writing, so you’ll have to excuse the art metaphor, but I’ve ...

Showcase: Nobody Panic + Optimism + Utopia, Texas

Welcome to October’s first Write On! Showcase. This is also my own first Showcase, so I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Charlotte, and I’m the Prize Manager at The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation. We are a literature and literacy charity, championing adventure as a genre. We run the Wilbur ...