Pen To Print

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write on showcase gail kirkpatrick sleepers and ties novel wilbur smith award

Showcase: Sleepers and Ties

Readers, you're in luck! I have a real treat to share with you this week, and, for our UK audience, one to keep you entertained if a new lockdown has been imposed in your area (at the time of writing, the country is awaiting an announcement from the government). Regular readers ...
return to cornwall banner laura briggs write on showcase

Showcase: Return to Cornwall + Collective Effort

Boy, we sure are lucky here at Pen to Print. Not only are we Write On! editors privy to superb creative poetry and stories that our generous and talented readers contribute (that's you!), but we're also able to showcase the brilliant and varied writing of published novelists. As Write On! ...
lost madonna denise gow pen to print showcase

Showcase: Lost Madonna + The Sea And The City

For our first entry this week, sit back, shut your eyes and allow yourself to be transported to 15th-century Italy. Denise Gow's The Lost Madonna follows the story of a young woman, abandoned as a child and raised by nuns, who is so beautiful she inspires the painters of the ...
the lioness and the flame dan cross author showcase write on

Showcase: The Lioness & The Flame + Nursery Rhymes

I hope you will allow me a small self-indulgence this week. Two years ago, I was privileged to see my debut novel shortlisted for one of the most prestigious adventure fiction awards open to unpublished authors. By some small miracle, my second novel was shortlisted for the same award this year. The ...
banner charitable thoughts janet howson write on showcase

Showcase: Charitable Thoughts

Welcome back to Showcase, everyone! Last week, we were pleased to show off our feature from our recently published fifth issue of the magazine, which you can read online here. This week, we are returning to business as usual with a fantastic novel extract by author Janet Howson, which we featured ...
kia abdullah take it back write on showcase

Showcase – Take It Back & I’m The Calm One

We are celebrating BAME writers and creatives this week on Write On! Extra, so it gives me great pleasure to bring you an extract from the recently released, highly successful Take It Back, a novel by Kia Abdullah. Take It Back has been described as one of the best thrillers of the ...
flash fiction write on showcase nicola franklin displaced

Showcase – Displaced & The Philosopher’s Daughters

I am pleased to present two wonderful examples of fabulous prose this week in Showcase. First up, we have another of the excellent entries we received in our Flash Fiction competition a couple of months ago. Nicola Franklin's Displaced uses the 300-word limit to maximum effect, welcoming us into a warm and ...

Wednesday Showcase: Blood In The Dust

This week, we have an extract from the award-winning Blood In The Dust by Australian author Bill Swiggs. Bill and I became acquainted at the 2018 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, where we were both shortlisted for the Best Unpublished Manuscript category: a competition he won and which led to his novel ...