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Showcase: Parahumanity + The Gift + A Reflection Of Superheroes + Saltburn Beach Houses + Saltburn Lift + Saltburn Pier + The Chapel + The Eagle

Edited by Hannah Rooney Welcome to the second Showcase of April. I’m thrilled to be introducing you to some more brilliant pieces on the new Write On! theme of ‘Overcoming’. It’s been a pleasure to read the wide range of wonderful submissions, which each demonstrated skilled artistry and left an immense ...

Saturday Spotlight: New Book Releases March 2024

By Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  At Write On! and Pen to Print, we want to help connect authors and readers, playwrights and audiences, so we've created a Spotlight page on the last Saturday of the month, showcasing some of the exciting new reads and plays available. The curated list ...

Writer Of The Month: Amber Hall

Introduced by Jilly Henderson-Long I’m Jilly Henderson-Long and am delighted to introduce Monday Moments editor, Amber Hall, as our Writer Of The Month for March. A London-based writer with a creative finger in a number of different pies, she’s an associate editor for Write On! Magazine. She is also a Writer ...

Thursday Connectors: Menopausal March

By Farzana Hakim Women’s Empowerment Month Special Hi all, it's Farzana, your host of Thursday Connectors with a most relatable and important two-month showcase of writing dedicated to, and coming from, some brave women about an issue that matters to so many of us: the Menopause. This is a topic many women are ...