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February Poetry Prompt Challenge: ‘Nature’

We ran a poetry prompt challenge on our Instagram themed ‘Nature’.

February’s Write On! theme was ‘Nature, Inspiring Creativity: Past, Present And Future’. On Write On! Extra, we explored nature from a multitude of different perspectives; the nature of places, relationships, and the nature of the world around us. We decided to bring this theme over to our Instagram and run our first ever Poetry Prompt Challenge.

The response we received was wonderful and we have been itching to share our favourite entries. Here are seven stand out pieces!

The butterflies sought butter
in her eyes, her glowing skin
had been kissed by the sun,
bees brought her nectar
like their queen
though she was like a flower
drawing nature in.
She was spotted by ladybirds
who flew about her hair,
spiders spun for her,
webs of hair and eyelashes
fuzzy down n her skin.
Birds sang in her ears,
melodies and calls, music
followed in her wake
wherever she walked.
The pollen clustered
round her like a halo
in the air. The butterflies
sought butter
in her eyes

Eithne Cullen
© 2022

Follow Eithne on Instagram here: @eithnecullen57

Nurtures you
Adorning your life
Transforming it onto a healing path
Useful as for futuristic approach
Recruiting all the essential aspects
Embracing all the blessings.

Mona Hemant Baksi
© 2022

Follow Mona on Instagram here: @meraki_by.mb

A sky woven across the clouds Amazon
The silver lining a master piece blazon
The edges touching the trees curzon
Sky has merged with land scinzon
Nature descending in such an array
Incredible to such a view beyond understanding
Wonderful incredible astonishing pinzon
Skies amazing views behold my breath lauzon
Spectacular stunning extraordinary
The greens trees overlooking the hills magzon
Pleasing alluring attractive
This views create a fixation of beauty
Bewildering stunning staggering cabezon
Not wiling to let go of the view menazon
Sewn across the sky to create a horizon
The outlook or perspective or perception
Leaves me breathless without a reason

Sabinah Adewole
© 2022

Follow Sabinah on Instagram here: @sabinah_a

Nature is the elusive manic pixie girl,
charming, fascinating, gorgeous,
but you could never truly capture her
by locking her in the commitment of a true
photo. Nothing compares to the way
she dances in the breath of wind
to the rustles of leaves with the flowers
knocked off as she spins around. She doesn’t
need you, with your fickle attention and
your cruel abuse.

No matter if you notice her or not,
she’ll still shine without you.

Aniqah Be
© 2022

Follow Aniqah on Instagram here: @aniqahbe

There’s a putrid smell of rotten sod,
Caught with the autumnal mist,
That seeps downwards onto cold bones,
Winter waits hiding,
In the soil,
On the trees,
Still like death,
Darkness holds sway,
As nature toils secretly,
Hoping, in part,
To sweep it away.

© 2022

Follow Flamingmantra on Instagram here: @flamingmantra

She is the warmth of the sun that keeps us protected from the pain.
She is the strength that blows independence striving us in our own unique way.
She is the sorrow of the rain that washes our tears away.
This is Nature who keeps us safe from the world today.

Tavinder New
© 2022

Follow Tavinder on Twitter here: @NewTavinder

Amongst a web of branches
A white-spangled twig entrances
The shivering ghost of summer dances
She weaves her way round iced-up trees
Longing for sun and a summer breeze
But as she falls and prays upon her knees
Her heart is warmed by the sparkling snow
Winter’s whispered words of love in her ears do blow
And she falls in love – just wouldn’t you know!
For Nature invites us all to fall in love, no matter what season!

Gwen Saint-Mary
© 2022

Follow Gwen on Instagram here: @gwensaintmary

Which poem was your favourite?

Do check out the socials from the poets who entered, especially if you would like to read more inspiring poetry. We plan to run more poetry prompt challenges in the future so keep up with us on all our social media channels to get the latest updates, competition, events news and more exciting treats from us. Click the icons below!