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Monday Memoirs: A Collection Of Library Lovers

Introduced by Holly King This week’s theme is The New Normal, as we’ve all had to adjust our daily routines and add or remove habits to stay safe and protect each other. This has different impacts depending on your situation, and each of us has something different to adapt to. We ...

Monday Memoirs: Keep Calm And..?

Introduced by Holly King  Another week of Write On! Extra begins and we’ve built up a great selection of writing. It’s lovely to connect with so many new writers, and see that people have decided to create something, finding they have something to say. We’ve all had a lot of time to ...

Monday Memoirs: Then & Now

Introduced by Holly King Happy Easter everyone! How have you adapted your traditional Easter weekend to fit in with our current situation? Usually, as fully grown children, we would all gather back at my parents’ for Easter Sunday. Our mum would cook us a load of food, give us Easter presents, ...