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Posts For Unprecedented Times

  (Bluesky/Instagram: @madeleinefwhite) March is Women’s Empowerment Month and includes International Women’s Day on the 8th. Lately, I’ve been feeling disempowered, both by a lack of personal agency and by the overwhelming state of global geopolitics. I know I’m not alone in this. But with daffodils beginning to bloom along the verges, I’m ...

Friday Features: The Only Garden I Can Relax In

Introduced by Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  Friday Features has been running on the Write On! and Pen to Print website for almost a year and it has been wonderful reading all the different submissions. We've had features with writing advice from writers at all different stages of their writing ...

Thursday Connectors: From Dagenham to the Bahamas

by Farzana Hakim  Hi all! I’m checking in from my home in Dagenham because that's where I’m doing the lockdown, with my three kids and husband. No other place for it really; our safe haven, within the blossoming, suburbs of Greater London. And to let you all in on a secret, I’m trying my absolute best to connect with you on this nothing out of the ordinary grey sky day, with my nose and mouth covered with a flowery, pink, tasseled bandana. ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Spring

by Eithne Cullen "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming”  Pablo Neruda   Tuesday’s page is all about finding inspiration in words and thoughts and mindfulness. This weeks’ Write On! Extra theme is  From Head in the Clouds to Feet on the Ground, so to kick-start this very first Thoughtful Tuesday, I am using the reality of Spring and the new life ...

Monday Memoirs: A Post-War London Childhood

Introduced by Holly King We kick off our first Write On! Extra ‘Monday Memoirs’ with a piece by Josephine Gee, reminiscing on her post-war Childhood in London and centring around the theme of food. Topical, considering today people are panic-buying and adjusting to not having access to the variety of food types we are used to; Josephine details the far more constraining and laborious tasks involved in buying and preparing ...

Submit Your Writing to Write On Showcase

by Dan Cross Hi, everyone! My name is Dan and I am the online Showcase editor for Write On!, here to talk to you about Showcase, what it is, how you can use it to promote your creative writing and how to submit your work for publication.  What is Showcase?  Write On’s raison d’être is to encourage writers of all literary ...