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Write On! Interviews: Author Nilson Semedo

Write On! interviews author Nilson Semedo

Nilson is a ten-year-old writer, currently studying at a primary school in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. He enjoys writing and loves to see others who share the same passion as him.

WO: What inspired you to write in the first place, and what inspires you now? 


NS: I would say I was inspired by different comic books and their illustrations but as I was growing up, I was really exposed to different books, especially since my mum had written one herself! It inspired me when I read her book, I believed that maybe I could write one too and that’s pretty much the full story. 


WO:  Arecent issue of Write On! explored the theme of ‘Beginnings And Endings’. With that in mind, what do you find easier to write – the beginning or the end? And do you always write the beginning first and the ending last? 


NS: I find it easier to write the end as usually it’s a nice ending, or even a dramatic cliffhanger. Writing beginnings can be hard, as most of the time you don’t have a set idea to expand on, so it’s more about creating something completely from scratch. Sometimes, beginnings are even stressful to some people, as it can seem impossible to create something no one’s ever heard of before and make it interesting. 


WO: What one piece of advice would you give an aspiring writer? 


NS: To all the aspiring writers out there: you can do anything you want! Although it may seem impossible to live up to people’s expectations, it’s really not. Look at me. I’ve written something and I’m just ten. Just imagine what you could do. Books aren’t about making a long encyclopaedia, they’re about writing about something that matters to you. Whether it’s cooking, fantasy, or even stuff like photography.  


WO: Can you tell us anything about future projects? 


NS: I want to write books for many years to come. I’m already writing my second one and I plan to create more. Why let the ideas in my head go to waste? 


WO: Lastly, if you could choose one fictional animal/creature to be a pet or companion, who would it be and why? 


NS: If I could have any fictional pet, it would be a dragon. To me they are really wild and it seems fun to see them fly around. But I will admit I don’t want them burning all my stuff, especially my clothes. 


Connect with Nilson on Instagram: @imcabral.official and on Facebook: Tony’s Treacherous Times is available to buy from Amazon. 


You can read issue 21 online here and find it in libraries and other outlets. Read previous editions of our magazines here.

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I want to write books for many years to come. I’m already writing my second one and I plan to create more. Why let the ideas in my head go to waste?