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Monday Moments: Dealing With The Dreaded Writer’s Block

Introduced By Amber Hall This month, we’re continuing with the theme ‘Overcoming’ and I’ve been thinking about how it relates to writer’s block – a dreaded phenomenon for most. Writer’s block is broadly defined as a psychological condition and can occur at any point in a writer’s journey. It’s something I’ve experienced ...

Monday Moments: Characters We Love To Hate

Introduced By Amber Hall This month marks the start of our new theme: 'Literary Passions And Guilty Pleasures.' I’ve been thinking about how we’re often most drawn to flawed characters in storytelling. These characters drive the plot forward, yes, but I think it goes a little deeper than that. I wonder whether ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Journey Towards The End Of 2022

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to Thoughtful Tuesday’s December page. The end of the year brings lots of change, lots of emotion and provokes plenty of thought. The pieces I’m sharing today certainly take us on a journey towards the end of the year (and Christmas, of course). We’ve been exploring the theme ...