Pen To Print

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fate perhaps jill smith write on showcase

Showcase: Fate, Perhaps + Christmas Promises

Well, we've made it! We're nearing the end of quite possibly one of the strangest years of our lifetimes so far. Some of us have been privileged to only experience odd inconveniences; others have been separated from relatives and too many have lost beloved family and friends. But, while 2020's ...
veldt hunter tony durrant showcase write on

Showcase: Veldt Hunter

Hello, Readers!   Next week is our last week before our Christmas hiatus, when I will share a couple of charming short stories to get you in the mood for the Christmas festivities and help you to feel hope and optimism for the year to come. But first, I want to start to ...
write on showcase joe totten the law of capture novel

Showcase: The Law of Capture

Hello, Readers!   This week, we return to the novel extracts of the shortlistees of the 2020 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize (Best Unpublished Manuscript). My thanks again to each of the authors who have shared their extracts with Write On! Up next is Joe Totten and his exciting 19th-century Western, The Law ...
write on showcase poem zoe neirizi who we are

Showcase: Who We Are + Baba Marta

As the UK's second lockdown continues, we open this week's Showcase with a timely and powerful poem by Zoe Neirizi. It begins with the all-too-familiar description of everyday life during the era of the coronavirus, challenging us to compare our lives now with 'before'. But as the poem progresses, we ...
juneha chowdhury passport to live write on showcase

Showcase: Passport To Live

I spoiled you with three entries last week, so just the one entry today—but it's a long one and a compelling and titillating read! The Book Challenge is Pen to Print's premier competition for authors. Selected entrants are rewarded with a mentorship to help them write and develop a novel over ...
write on showcase gail kirkpatrick sleepers and ties novel wilbur smith award

Showcase: Sleepers and Ties

Readers, you're in luck! I have a real treat to share with you this week, and, for our UK audience, one to keep you entertained if a new lockdown has been imposed in your area (at the time of writing, the country is awaiting an announcement from the government). Regular readers ...
2020 poem danny fenn summer of festivals write on pen to print

Showcase: 2020 + Illusion

It's been a couple of weeks since we last showcased the excellent poetry we receive here at Write On!. To make up for this, I am pleased to share two highly enjoyable poems this week. The first is the winning poem from Barking and Dagenham's 2020 'Summer Of Festivals' event. This ...
return to cornwall banner laura briggs write on showcase

Showcase: Return to Cornwall + Collective Effort

Boy, we sure are lucky here at Pen to Print. Not only are we Write On! editors privy to superb creative poetry and stories that our generous and talented readers contribute (that's you!), but we're also able to showcase the brilliant and varied writing of published novelists. As Write On! ...