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Showcase: The Power Of Perspective

While the Write On! team take a well-deserved break for Christmas, we will still be sharing every day with pages from issue 6 of the magazine and some special Christmas and New Year messages just for you! Today's page is our Showcase: The Power Of Perspective Merry Christmas and a Happy New ...
fate perhaps jill smith write on showcase

Showcase: Fate, Perhaps + Christmas Promises

Well, we've made it! We're nearing the end of quite possibly one of the strangest years of our lifetimes so far. Some of us have been privileged to only experience odd inconveniences; others have been separated from relatives and too many have lost beloved family and friends. But, while 2020's ...
autumn days Mabel Joshua-Amadi showcase write on

Showcase: Autumn Days + The Theme Tune To My Life

This week at Write On!, we are celebrating the beginning of Black History Month. As a magazine that defines itself by providing support and a platform to writers and creatives of all backgrounds and communities, we are fortunate to be spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting masterpieces by ...
felix the cat roy merchant extract write on showcase

Showcase: Felix The Cat + Shine

A few weeks ago, I briefly mentioned the advantages of being in a writers' group and how it can help an author to be inspired and develop their talent. So, I am extremely proud to feature an extract of a project by Roy Merchant, a member of the 'Write Next ...

Friday Feature: My Journey Into Short Stories

by Claire Buckle Fifteen years ago, when I was in my late forties, I started writing fiction. Other than emails and the occasional letter, I hadn’t written much else since my student days studying social science  – a subject hardly conducive to making up stories! The phrase “I always wanted to be a ...
day trip norma armand showcase write on short story

Showcase: Day Trip + Different Eyes Need Different Views

Resilience is the capacity to cope with and recover from difficult circumstances. But it doesn't necessarily mean remaining unchanged. It can mean having the fortitude to resist anticipated or actual negativity, or it can mean adapting to circumstances to find a more positive way forward. We creatives, for example, are all ...