Write On! Issue 10 OUT TODAY
Storytelling From East London To The World
Write On! 10 is out today (see digital version here). Sponsored by the Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation, we are delighted to be featuring a Wilbur Smith exclusive, showcasing this household name as Guest Agony Uncle on our ‘Insight’ page. The lead interview is with the National Poetry Award Winner and Literature Wales diversity champion, Marvin Thompson. With a nod to Black History Month in October, we speak to Marvin about activism and identity in his poetry. The Big Debate asks when it’s time to move on from a piece of work, while the popular Showcase pages feature wonderful writing and artwork. Issue 10 also sees a return of our postcard gifts, featuring the Pen to Print Digital Photography Competition Winner, Colin Page.
Launched in April 2019, Pen to Print’s Write On! continues to reach new readers around the world.* Created by and for writers, Write On! is available through libraries in Exeter, east London and Essex, as well as digitally. Increasingly, we are sharing the printed magazine with writers from across the UK who are asking for copies for their writing groups and local bookstores. We are therefore delighted that this issue is another celebration of diversity, originality and excellence in writing!
Born in Barking and Dagenham, Write On! 10 also continues to shine a light on local people. Sponsored by Barking and Dagenham (LBBD), Destination Barking And Dagenham features local teacher and entrepreneur, Mrs Kemi Oloyede. We also have our first ever graphic page by local artist Danny Baxter, highlighting what he’s been up over the summer to bring a local flavour to our readership, including The Summer Of Festivals and The Poetry Van.
We believe an inclusive community spirit, reaching beyond boundaries of place, can create wider ripple effects around creative engagement and transparency. We are therefore delighted that Write On! Extra has encouraged 43,000+ from 175 countries to respond to our ideals. To see examples of writers coming together beyond boundaries of geography, culture and expectations, please see pentoprint.org!
*Pen to Print is an Arts Council England Library National Portfolio Organisation.
A Call To Action:
- For up-to-date editorial information, including how to submit to Write On! + Write On! Extra, please see: The Editor’s Introduction.
- Partnerships: Write On! has already facilitated partnerships and co-operation with Bloomsbury, Penguin, the Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation, WriteBack UK, the Curtis Brown Agency, Margate Bookie, Edge Lit (events), University of Derby, the Romantic Novelist Association (RNA), the Alternative Stories and Fake Realities Podcast, Libraries Unlimited (Exeter) and many others are currently being explored. If you would like to discuss ideas, please do get in touch at: pentoprint@lbbd.gov.uk
- To advertise online or in the next issue, please see: Our Media Pack.