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Write On! Issue 5: People Behind the Posts

Write On! 5 coverWelcome to the fifth of our digital pull out pages, drawn from Write On! 5. Today’s page is all about the people behind the posts. As we continue to face the repercussions of lockdown, issue 5 remains digital.

You can see the full magazine here.

Our new season starts on Wednesday 29th July. The stories and ideas collated online will also feed into Write On! Issue 6. It is themed around:

A Kaleidoscope of Colours: We are living through a shifting landscape at the moment, this theme explores how we are adapting to the ever-changing, ever-swirling patterns of life.



We are happy to accept written pieces (prose, poetry, essays, opinion), video or spoken extracts/ snapshots,  illustrations and artwork. To find out more about Write On! Extra as well as how to submit, please visit our Editor’s Introduction.

Read the rest of Write On! Issue 5 online here.

Each page editor has been wonderful. Their hard work and dedication shine through on every page.