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Write On! Interviews: Author Alexa Whitten

Write On! interviews writing coach, book designer and author Alexa Whitten.    WO: How would you describe your writing to someone new to it? AW: My writing style is very simple. As I’m giving lots of information, for which the subject matter can be quite complex, I try to make my writing conversational ...

Write On! Interviews: Writer Stephen Leach

Write On! interviews writer Stephen Leach. Stephen works as a freelance content writer and production editor and has written for various websites and local and national newspapers. He has a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Winchester, as well as an MA in Contemporary History and International Politics from ...

Write On! Interviews: Author Sita Brahmachari

Creating Stories, Connecting Voices Write On!'s Amber Hall discusses the purpose and power of storytelling with YA Author Sita Brahmachari. Before sitting down to interview Sita Brahmachari, the acclaimed Young Adult (YA) author, I’d only half-settled on the idea of speaking about my own trauma. I’ve lived with an eating disorder for most of my ...

Write On! Interviews: Author David Yeats

Write On! interviews Author David Yeats David says: "On leaving school, I attended Folkestone College of Art. In the mid-1980s, I gained a BA in African History from The School Of Oriental And African Studies and I've recently been awarded a MA in Creative Writing from the University Of Birmingham. I've ...

Write On! Interviews: Author Dee Gordon

Write On! interviews Author Dee Gordon Dee says: “I've been writing full-length non-fiction books since selling my recruitment business (in London) in 2000. I could see a gap in the market and found I preferred having a contract before writing a book, to having to pitch a completed fiction novel and ...

Write On! Interviews: Author Emma Rosen

Write On! interviews Author Emma Rosen Emma is a non-fiction and children’s author based in south east Kent. Her books focus on marine ecology (Lily The Limpet Gets Lost, Secret Seagrass Meadows), breastfeeding (Milk, Milk And Cookies) and supporting creative small businesses (Self-Publishing). She has independently published all her books and ...

Write On! Interviews: Hay Festival CEO, Julie Finch

Juneha Chowdhury from Write On! interviews Hay Festival CEO, Julie Finch Breaking The Class Ceiling: Together We Can Do More The Hay Festival is an 11-day literature festival held in Hay-on-Wye from the end of May. It’s also a global brand that reaches millions. I recently spoke with  CEO, Julie Finch, about ...

Write On! Interviews: Writer Clare Cooper

Write On! interviews writer Clare Cooper Clare worked in magazine publishing for almost 40 years, the last 29 of which were spent very happily embedded in the Fiction Department of Woman’s Weekly magazine, reading, critiquing and editing other people’s stories. This didn’t put her off; she’s still an avid book and ...

Write On! Interviews: Author Emma Heatherington

Write On! interviews author Emma Heatherington Emma is an international bestselling novelist and writing coach from County Tyrone. Her books include the Amazon US and UK hits, The Legacy Of Lucy Harte, One More Day as well as Secrets In The Snow and The Promise, which were both Fern Britton Picks ...