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Friday Feature: My Journey Into Short Stories

by Claire Buckle Fifteen years ago, when I was in my late forties, I started writing fiction. Other than emails and the occasional letter, I hadn’t written much else since my student days studying social science  – a subject hardly conducive to making up stories! The phrase “I always wanted to be a ...

Thursday Youth Connectors: Reimagining Our World

by Sameer Iqbal Hello, everyone. It's me, Sameer, writing this week's ‘Youth Connectors’. This edition is based around reimagining our world as we know it. I have numerous guests who have been sending me their input and it's fascinating to see how differently people think and how limitless mankind's imagination is! ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Reimagining Our World

By Eithne Cullen Our Extra pages, this week, look at the theme of 'Reimagining Our World' the courage to fire on all cylinders. There are many sites with inspiring quotations about courage and facing the world bravely. I like this one from Mary Anne Radmacher: “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the ...

Monday Moments: Reimagining The World

Introduced by Holly King Monday is the start of the week, the first day, the reset button. Monday morning, as you get up to an alarm and groggily start your coffee or tea routine (I like mine black, or builder’s style thanks, and you’ll get a closed-eyed nod of appreciation rather ...

Thursday Connectors: The Resolve To Be Resilient

by Farzana Hakim Hi, all. It's Farzana, with another interesting and thought-provoking 'Thursday Connectors'. This week, we’re exploring our resilient natures. Continuing on from my article a fortnight back, the idea of 'Resilience' is certainly relevant where the 'Gender Agenda' is concerned. I'll therefore be expanding upon the women’s perspective. To do ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Resilience

By Eithne Cullen Our theme this week is 'Resilience'. It's a really broad topic and one we can look at from many different angles. The pandemic throws two immediate meanings into our minds: firstly, the drive and determination we’ve had to show around observing lockdown rules along with the hardship they have ...

Monday Moments: Resilience

Introduced by Holly King Are you a resilient person? Would that be a word you, your friends, family or colleagues use to describe you? It’s quite a compliment, to be called resilient, but what are the words that go along with that? 'Bouncing back', 'Getting knocked down but getting back up ...