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despair zoe neirizi poem resilience write on showcase

Showcase: Resilience + Airport

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all coping well given the circumstances. If it makes you feel any better, we are back in lockdown across the Atlantic in Colombia, as well. You'd think with all this time at home I'd have made a bigger dent in my TBR (to be read) ...

Monday Moments: Marching Ever Onwards

Introduced by Holly King January is the month of resetting: resolutions, starting a new year, a new you, a new future. Yet it’s never made much sense to me, because the calendar year is an external construct. You can’t reset in any literal way, and I’ve never been able to keep ...

Write On! Interview: As An Author… Tasha Madison

This week Write On! interviews YA and historical fiction author Tasha Madison. Tasha's YA historical fantasy recently won the 2020 Author Elite Award (AEA) for Best Young Adult Fiction. Her historical fiction novel, Pharaoh’s Shadow received a Top-10 distinction for Best Historical Fiction from AEA, an international honour bestowed for literary ...

Happy New Year

By Claire Buss Changing the year is always something I look forward to. I like the arbitrariness of going to bed in one year and waking up in another, just because numbers say so. I also enjoy thinking about what I'm going to conquer in this new fresh year, because, even ...