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Monday Moments: New Beginnings

Introduced By Amber Hall The clocks moved forward an hour on March 26th, marking the start of British Summer Time here in the UK. For me, the year never feels as though it’s getting under way until springtime. It’s a season of new beginnings when plans and resolutions made at the ...

Write On! Interviews: Patrick Kealy

Write On! interviews writer Patrick Kealy Patrick is a trained theatre director, writer and performer. He is also a Life Coach and Personal Trainer and Body Movement Practitioner in the areas of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), using over 40 years of movement training, improvisation skills and stress reduction techniques employed ...

Writer Of The Month: Laura Maclennan

Introduced by Lucy Kaufman It is a privilege to introduce our Writer Of The Month. As a writer, tutor and lecturer, I come across a great many writers, but not so many, so far, who write with such direct clarity of purpose as Laura Maclennan. Laura not only writes, but uses ...

Write On! Interviews: Palak Tewary

There's Poetry In Numbers Highley commended businesswoman, mentor and creative, Palak Tewary, speaks to Claire Buss about why her day job and passion projects offer connections rather than contradiction. When you think of accountancy and poetry, you are probably thinking of two ends of a spectrum. A contradiction for sure. However, as ...

Saturday Spotlight: New Book Releases March 2023

By Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  At Write On! and Pen to Print, we want to help connect authors and readers, playwrights and audiences, so we've created a Spotlight page on the last Saturday of the month, showcasing some of the exciting new reads and plays available. The curated list ...