Pen To Print

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Favourite Monday Moments

Introduced By Holly King This Monday Moments, I'm taking a look back at what we’ve achieved in the last sixteen months. While Write On! Extra was not something any of us expected to be doing for this long, it’s been great for our community and for creatives, including me!  In a ...

Monday Moments: Creative Movement

Introduced By Holly King Our new theme at Write On! is ‘Keep Going: Creating With Perseverance And Courage’ and from this, I thought about what the first Monday Moments theme could be and came up with Creative Movement. We can interpret this in many ways: from how we use our bodies ...

Monday Moments: World Oceans Day

Introduced By Holly King It's 'World Oceans Day' tomorrow (June 8), so today I'm  focussing on that sublime blue that encompasses not only our planet, but our creativity. Moby Dick, Pirates Of The Caribbean, The Little Mermaid and many other tales, feature the ocean as an integral part of the story. It's ...

Monday Moments: Share A Story Month

Introduced By Holly King May is National Share a Story Month. Setup by The Federation of Children’s Book Groups, this month encourages you to share a story with a child and celebrate all things books with competitions, blogs and giveaways. This year the theme is Myths, Magic and Mayhem, and here ...

Monday Moments: Easter 2021

Introduced By Holly King Happy Easter! Immediately (after images of chocolate and bunnies with baskets of pastel-coloured eggs), I thought back to this time last year. Write On! Extra was in its infancy and my fourth Monday Moments page went up on Easter Monday 2020. Who could have predicted the following ...

Monday Moments: International Women’s Day

Introduced By Holly King Sometimes I don’t write a long introduction because my features have written everything my page needs. March celebrates International Women’s Day and, in today's first written feature, Sylvia Kent tells us about its history. The second feature, sees Juneha Chowdhury giving us a creative insight into what it ...

Monday Moments: Storytelling Week

Introduced by Holly King I’d like to tell you a story. The first full-time job I had was in an investment call centre. We were given two weeks of training before being let out ‘on the floor’, and even though I only spent six months there, I was given lots of ...

Monday Moments: Marching Ever Onwards

Introduced by Holly King January is the month of resetting: resolutions, starting a new year, a new you, a new future. Yet it’s never made much sense to me, because the calendar year is an external construct. You can’t reset in any literal way, and I’ve never been able to keep ...

Monday Moments: Finding Your Balance

While the Write On! team take a well-deserved festive break, we will still be sharing every day with pages from issue 6 of the magazine and some special Christmas and New Year messages just for you! Today's page is Monday Moments: Finding Our Balance Read the rest of Issue 6 of Write ...

Pen to Print: Our Story

While the Write On! team take a well-deserved break for Christmas, we will still be sharing every day with pages from issue 6 of the magazine and some special Christmas and New Year messages just for you! Today's page is Pen to Print: Our Story Read the rest of Issue 6 of ...