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Thoughtful Tuesdays: Plastic Free Month

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to July’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. This month, I’m using my page to share thoughts about our relationship with plastic: July is plastic free month. If, like me, you’re shocked to see images of plastic in our oceans and on our beaches, you’ll be happy to pause and ...

Reshaping The Windrush Narrative

By Iesha Denize This week at Pen to Print and Write On! we acknowledge Windrush Day in the context of our theme, 'Transformation'. I am sharing a series of articles that explore a Windrush perspective on personal transformation, in essence, a ‘poetic’ Windrush focus on the release and a reshaping of ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Transformation

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my page for June. I’d like to start with a quotation from John Steinbeck, one of my favourite writers: In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explodes, and every sunset is different. I think it captures the flavour of the month well. We’re ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Share A Story

By Eithne Cullen ‘Everyone has a story to tell’ is at the very heart of Pen to Print’s work. We invite people to make stories and tell stories and give voice to so many storytellers through Write On! magazine. May is National Share A Story Month, created to celebrate storytelling and how ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Spring Gardening

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to Thoughtful Tuesday’s April page. Spring has been creeping up on us, filling us with hope and a sense of fun, leading to a bright summer. The theme for the current magazine is growth, which makes us think of transformation. So it’s a great coincidence that April ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: International Women’s Day

By Eithne Cullen I’m delighted to introduce  this page to you   this month, as March is the month that’s associated with women’s empowerment and International Women’s Day (IWD). I have fond memories of International Women’s Day from the time when I worked in a girls’ school.  We always did a lot ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Flash Fiction

By Eithne Cullen This week’s Thoughtful Tuesday is all about stories. We writers tell them, shape them, edit them and love them. We connect with readers who love stories in all shapes and sizes. To begin, this week, I asked the Pen to Print writers whether any of them have Flash pieces ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Resolutions

By Eithne Cullen Happy New Year! We ended 2020 on the theme of Hope and carry on our new hopes into 2021. I thought I’d start the year off thinking about the way we all make resolutions as one year ends and the next begins. Sometimes these resolutions are made as the ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Food For Thought

While the Write On! team take a well-deserved break for Christmas, we will still be sharing every day with pages from issue 6 of the magazine and some special Christmas and New Year messages just for you! Today's page is Thoughtful Tuesdays: Food For Thought ***** Read the latest issue of Write On! ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Hope Endures

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to today’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. Here at Write On! we’re continuing our Extra pages on the theme of 'Hope.' With the latest lockdown easing, the news of a vaccine and the thought of being able to see more of our family in the near future, it’s a ...