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As A… Writer: Mary L. Walsh

This week, Write On! page editor Eithne Cullen chats with short story author, Mary L. Walsh. Mary was born in Hammersmith, London, to Irish parents, but grew up and went to school in Dagenham, Essex. She has always written poetry, starting at about age nine, winning a poetry competition at school.  She ...

As A… Writer: Alison Booth

This week, Write On! chats with historical fiction author, Alison Booth. Alison has worked in the UK and in Australia as a professor and a novelist. Her most recent novel, The Philosopher’s Daughters, is set in the 1890s in London and Australia. Her previous novels include A Perfect Marriage, a work of contemporary fiction, ...

In Conversation With Kia Abdullah

by Claire Buss The coronavirus and the country-wide lockdown have resulted in many changes and adaptations to our daily lives; not least the temporary closure of libraries and the delay in producing the print version of Write On! magazine. In response to this, the team here shifted our focus to a ...

As A… Writer: Alex Kane

This week, Write On! chats with crime author Alex Kane. Alex is from a small village just outside Glasgow. She grew up around books, her mother always reading the latest crime thriller. She began writing in 2010 and was published by Hera Books in 2019 with an extensive and interesting journey ...