Pen To Print

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autumn days Mabel Joshua-Amadi showcase write on

Showcase: Autumn Days + The Theme Tune To My Life

This week at Write On!, we are celebrating the beginning of Black History Month. As a magazine that defines itself by providing support and a platform to writers and creatives of all backgrounds and communities, we are fortunate to be spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting masterpieces by ...
felix the cat roy merchant extract write on showcase

Showcase: Felix The Cat + Shine

A few weeks ago, I briefly mentioned the advantages of being in a writers' group and how it can help an author to be inspired and develop their talent. So, I am extremely proud to feature an extract of a project by Roy Merchant, a member of the 'Write Next ...

The Ultimate First Line Competition

Win a copy of The Organised Writer by Antony Johnston Pen to Print’s First Line Generator is one of the things you like most about our website. So, we thought it was time to update, but with your input! Our friends at Bloomsbury Publishing are offering two copies of Antony Johnston’s The ...

The Matchgirls Memorial Competition and Workshop

Commemorating the Matchgirls Strike of 1888 Help us get them a statue​ The Matchgirls Memorial is a charitable organisation established to highlight the Strike and remember the Strike leaders’ in the form of a permanent memorial. In 1888 over 1,400 young women walked out on strike from Bryant and May’s match factory in Bow, east London. ...
day trip norma armand showcase write on short story

Showcase: Day Trip + Different Eyes Need Different Views

Resilience is the capacity to cope with and recover from difficult circumstances. But it doesn't necessarily mean remaining unchanged. It can mean having the fortitude to resist anticipated or actual negativity, or it can mean adapting to circumstances to find a more positive way forward. We creatives, for example, are all ...

LBBD Libraries Re-opening

Re-opening your library safely during Covid-19 a Message for LBBD Libraries For more information and revised opening times go to From 1 September 2020 We want to welcome you back to your library and offer a service to you again, however we need to make sure you and our staff are safe.  We have ...
tricia wadsworth wartime showcase write on!

Showcase: Wartime + It’s A Dog’s Life

Our theme this week is 'Finding Your Balance', which will mean something unique to each of us. The world is a big, beautiful and chaotic place and balancing our many and varied responsibilities and desires to discover a centre that allows us to feel as though we’re in control of ...