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Showcase: Blissful Wistful + I Want Your Sandwich

By Amelia Page When you listen closely enough, you'll realise voices are all around us. In our everyday lives, we hear many different external voices, as well as internal ones. Some people use their voices powerfully, to speak out and make a difference, while others don’t speak enough. The pieces of work ...

Saturday Spotlight: New Book Releases April 2023

By Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  At Write On! and Pen to Print, we want to help connect authors and readers, playwrights and audiences, so we've created a Spotlight page on the last Saturday of the month, showcasing some of the exciting new reads and plays available. The curated list ...

Showcase: Love Springs + Two Faced + Silencing Your Sound

By Claire Buckle Hello and welcome to the second April Showcase, where I’ll examine the current theme of contradictions, with specific reference to love. Regular readers may be familiar with some of the names I’ll be featuring, while other pieces are by new, emerging writers. Spring has arrived and, for many people, ...

Saturday Spotlight: New Book Releases March 2023

By Claire Buss, Deputy Editor, Write On!  At Write On! and Pen to Print, we want to help connect authors and readers, playwrights and audiences, so we've created a Spotlight page on the last Saturday of the month, showcasing some of the exciting new reads and plays available. The curated list ...

Monday Moments: Who Am I?

Introduced By Amber Hall Back in January, I was lucky enough to guest-edit an episode on working-class writers for the Alternative Stories And Fake Realities podcast (have a listen here). One of the things that I spoke about in the podcast was my relationship with my working-class roots, and how this ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Contradictions In Love

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to February’s Thoughtful Tuesday page. Here at Pen to Print, we’re thinking and writing about life’s contradictions and how they come across in our reading and our writing. In this month’s page, I’m continuing to present writing to fit that theme. I’m thinking about love and romance, too  (February ...

Thoughtful Tuesdays: Contradictions

By Eithne Cullen Welcome to my January 2023 ‘Thoughtful Tuesday’ page.  I hope the celebrations of Christmas and the New Year have left you rested and ready for whatever the future brings. It’s a funny feeling, seeing out the old year and greeting the new. We think of the old year as ...